Thursday, February 18, 2010

Pinky Pinky Boyfriend My Boyfriend Thinks He Broke His Pinky Toe...what Can He Do To Stop It From Hurting?

My boyfriend thinks he broke his pinky toe...what can he do to stop it from hurting? - pinky pinky boyfriend

FYI: It happened on the corner of the bed .. and was walking around the corner, but his fingers got stuck in the corner.
ALSO: Is there a way to know whether it is really broken or just sprained?


Nicole said...

All we can do is save your fingers and do not wait to continue to heal. Also take Advil or something for the pain

Anna said...

The little toe moves sticking with him no more.
A pause feels a constant throbbing pain and a sprain is just a bruise. Ray DONT toe former because it is a waste of money, and when the tape is put on ice for another toe, and it heals in time.
It helps me to heal soon! Good luck!

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